studioELL artist from London, GB, Spring 2020
F302i Workshop in Collage

studioELL artist from New York, NY, Autumn 2020
P201i/P301i Intermediate & Advanced Painting
Artist: Someone who enrolls in a studioELL course and a member of a course cohort.
Asynchronous Learning: Learning that takes place on your own time, meeting all assignment deadlines and connecting with your professor and other course members via studioELL’s Online Studio.
Brief / Prompt / Assignment: The assignment segment of a session.
Asynchronous Learning: Learning that takes place at one’s leisure. As outlines in the course guide, all prompts will be provided so that deadline can be met.
Course: a themed class offering that can include up to ten weekly sessions.
Course Code: A prefix code that identifies your specific course. A course code may end with an ‘i’ suffix denoting an online course; an ‘h’ suffix denoting a hybrid physical/online course; or have no letter suffix denoting a physical course.
Online (course ends in “i”): A course that exists completely online / remote and may use both asynchronous and synchronous modalities.
Physical: A course that exists completely in-person at a physical location.
Hybrid (course ends in “h”): A course that contains combinations of online and in-person elements and/or uses asynchronous and synchronous modalities.
Course Cohort: All enrolled artists within a course.
Course Guide: A full course description provided by the course professor. Similar to a syllabus, the course guide will outline the course schedule and expectations.
One-Sheet: A personalized guide to accessing the Online Studio which includes a username and password.
Online Studio: A course meeting place. An online discussion space or “classroom” that serves as an asynchronous space to share and discuss work. Depending on the course, the Online Studio will be broken up by session for easier navigation.
Professor: Someone who leads a studioELL course.
Session: Course breakdown that contains its own Online Studio Page within a course. Sessions are often weekly, but their frequency depends on the specific course being offered.
Synchronous Learning: Learning that takes place in real-time or during live sessions with your course cohort and/or professor.
Term: A multi-month period when groupings of courses are offered. studioELL may offer three terms throughout the academic year: Autumn Term typically commences October through December; Winter Term typically commences February through April; and Summer Term typically commences June through August. Courses may also be offered on ongoing or a “short course” basis. The 2020-2021 academic year, the terms are as follows:
TERM 01 / AUTUMN October 05 — December 11, 2020
TERM 02 / WINTER February 01 — April 09, 2021
TERM 03 / SUMMER June 07 — August 13, 2021